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来源 : 作者 : 发布时间 : 2024-01-25 16:34:52 点击数 : 3565




英国网红博主杰瑞·格雷(Jerry Grey)在广东生活了近二十年。中国这样一个人口大国如何践行民主,人民代表大会制度又有何特别,一直是他最感兴趣的问题。


Jerry Grey, a British media commentator, has been living and working in south China's Guangdong Province for nearly 20 years. He has long been curious about how democracy is interpreted in China, a populous country, and how Chinese people exercise state power through people's congresses, China's legislature. He traveled across Guangdong and visited multilevel legislative organs to find out how the people's congress system works, and what he saw and heard during the tours are presented from today on in Daily Bae's three-episode special offer: How China's Democracy Works – An Expat's Look into People's Congress, to mark the 70th founding anniversary of the National People's Congress this year.



Water pollution was once one of the most prominent environmental issues in Guangdong, known as China's economic powerhouse. But in recent years, the water quality has greatly and continuously improved in Guangdong with concerted efforts, and you may be surprised to find that the supervision of the Guangdong People's Congress plays an essential role in the water treatment process. In this episode, Jerry visited the Guangdong People's Congress to get a deeper understanding of how it works.

主办单位:潮州市人民代表大会常务委员会办公室     承建单位:中国电信潮州分公司
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