外眼看人大|“中国式民主之我见”第二集:众人事 众人议
2024年是全国人民代表大会成立70周年。英国网红博主杰瑞·格雷(Jerry Grey)在广东生活了近二十年。中国这样一个人口大国如何践行民主,人民代表大会制度又有何特别,一直是他最感兴趣的问题。
实现民主有多种方式,不可能千篇一律。一个国家是不是民主,应该由这个国家的人民来评判。系列专题片《外眼看人大:中国式民主之我见》第二集《众人事 众人议》,杰瑞拜访了广州各级人大代表联系点和基层立法联络站,见证了全过程人民民主具体、现实地体现在从百姓日常琐事到国家立法大事的方方面面。
There is no fixed model of democracy, it manifests itself in many forms. Democracy is the right of the people in every country, and whether a country is democratic should also be judged by its people.
2024 marks the 70th founding anniversary of the National People's Congress, China's legislature. Let's join British media commentator Jerry Grey, who has been living and working in south China's Guangdong Province for nearly 20 years, to find out how China's democracy works in addressing the issues that concern the people.